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Sunday 3 March 2024

Spring Boot: Differences Between WAR and JAR

Introduction to Spring Boot

Spring Boot is a highly popular framework for developing Java applications, known for its ability to simplify the configuration and deployment process.

What are WAR and JAR Files?

In the context of Java, WAR (Web Application Archive) and JAR (Java Archive) are two formats for packaging applications. While WAR is specifically designed for web applications, JAR is used for distributing Java libraries or smaller applications.

Key Differences Between WAR and JAR in Spring Boot

Choosing between WAR and JAR affects how your Spring Boot application is packaged and deployed. This section explores the key differences.

Note: The choice of packaging format largely depends on the application's deployment requirements and environment.

Using WAR

The WAR format is ideal for web applications that will be deployed on a Java application server, like Tomcat. It allows separating the application code from server dependencies.

Using JAR

The JAR format is more suited for microservices or applications that don't require a full application server. With JAR, Spring Boot bundles everything, including an embedded web server, into a single executable file.

Considerations for Choice

The choice between WAR and JAR depends on factors like the deployment environment, application complexity, and dependency management preferences.


Both WAR and JAR have their own merits in Spring Boot. Understanding their differences and applications will enable you to choose the most appropriate format for your projects.

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Jorge García

Fullstack developer